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Skywatcher AZ GTiX


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Having just bought one of these, I notice that there are numerous differences between it and the standard GTi, apart from the obvious dual-scope capability. Perhaps other owners would like to describe their experiences, give tips, etc on this thread.

One important difference for anyone looking to replace the frankly awful saddles and clamps is that you can't substitute an ADM GTi clamp: the fittings are different, as I learned to my cost. @FLO doesn't know if a dedicated fitting from ADM will be available any time soon.

I'm using mine only with a single scope at the moment, taking advantage of its 1kg extra weight capacity to hold my Starfield 102. I'll post on here how it goes long term - it's been too cloudy to test it properly.

Any other owners with comments or tips?


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I to have a Starfield 102mm. I would love to be able to use an alt/az goto mount with the Starfield. But I was of the opinion and advised to be wary of mounting a long tube telescope with this mount. Even though it's within the stated payload. I would be interested to hear how it performs.

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I did have an AZ GTi mount. It was very good. But probably not designed to mount longer 4 inch refractors. So interested in the newer AZ GTix. Yes it has to ability to mount two telescopes. But still unsure if it would handle the 4 inch refractor with it's length. I have only ever seen pictures of this mount with shorter compound telescopes. Those with small apertures.  I'm never really comfortable using equatorial goto mounts. I appreciate you trying it out cajen. Hope it goes well with your Starfield. May well try it myself if your findings are favourable.

Edited by Grump Martian
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The problem with long scopes on these mounts is they bounce with the wind, fitting eyepieces and focusing, I think that leverage puts a huge strain on the worm gears and their brackets. better a skytee or AZ75/100  IMHO

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I have the Az-gtiX, and am using it with my 130pds on an innorel carbon fibre photo tripod. I've only managed two sessions with it thanks to the endless clouds but I've been very impressed (I tried the az-gti with the same scope before, having heard good things, but I wasn't that happy with it). I've found it copes with the 130pds just fine, which it should really, being well inside the capacity. Nice and stable with very acceptable levels of wobble at the eyepiece. I even tried it out for some short-exposure AP on M13 - left it happily tracking for 30min (took 100, 20sec, exposures), which worked far better than I'd hoped. In short, I'm very happy with it. 


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Well, the rig had a (sort of) first light last night.

The sky looked quite clear but transparency was awful - there must have been high haze. I practised using the go-to and slewing with the app controls. I found the go-to would only take me in the general direction of a target because I hadn't aligned it north enough or levelled it properly. Doing all that in the dark was too much of a PITA (mental note - do it all while it's still light in future). I found Mars, centred it with the app and hit Point and Track, which seemed to work quite well.

Apologies to any go-to experts out there who might be getting annoyed with me, but this is my first frac, first tripod and first go-to, so I'm just practising ATM. I've always been a dob man.

I can report that the mount didn't seem to care that the load was approaching its maximum (scope fully loaded: 5.2 kg) and didn't seem to make any unwarranted noises or be under any strain, slewing smoothly. I had the tripod only halfway extended as I sit to observe, so vibration was minimal.

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  • 3 months later...

Hello, a tad late finding out about the Sky-Watcher AZ-GTiX , looks good but I would ask if you know about an ADM clamp for it yet? I checked and it seems like you can't use an ADM GTi clamp. Also , it would look like there is no readily available counter-weight adapter/bar assembly , did anyone tried to make /adapt something ? 

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  • 2 months later...


I brought one of these a few months ago and with the awful weather have only had a few sessions.

But what I have got, the tracking seems to get ahead of the target slightly.

I have tried with both a Meade 105ETX scope and a Skywatcher Star Travel 120 payload and just a camera, same result.

So I would be trying to get M31 Andromeda, and after about 30 x 30 second exposures, the galaxy is shifted to the left of my field of view.

Try to use Phd2 "Not compatible with this mount"

Is there a way of calibrating the mount to SLOW DOWN, or is there a star tracker it will work with, I tried MetaGuide, but I can't figure it out.

Cheers for any insight.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone.

So if you try and match PHD2 with the synscan app, you get a 'Mount does not support pulse guiding' error message.

Has anyone attached a Hand Controller, would you be able pair PHD2 through a hand controller?

Trying to get any decent photography through this setup is proving difficult at best.


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On 07/10/2023 at 14:14, happy-kat said:

What has been your connection method, what apps are you using?


PHD2 guiding app.

I use a SvBony 305pro. You set mount synscan and enter the IP address of synscam app.

I have also tried 'om camera' and connecting the ST4 cable to the hand controlle port but I can't see it has any effect.


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  • 11 months later...

Reviving an old topic: is this mount significantly better than the AZ-GTI with its counterweight kit when used on a wedge for DSO astrophotography? (Backlash issues?)

Edited by GTom
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