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SW CQ350 and EQMOD


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I have a new Sky-Watcher CQ350 and it's set up in the lounge just now while I check a few things out. I haven't been able to get it to work correctly with EQMOD. The attached pics show what happened when I tried to slew to Neptune, I got the Meridian Limit warning and when I parked the scope again after that it ended up pointing in completely the wrong direction.  I've tried deleting the .ini files in EQMOD and setting it up from scratch but that hasn't sorted it either.

Can anyone suggest what I could try next? It works perfectly well with the SynScan handset so I'm confident it's a setting in EQMOD.

I know I could try GSS but I'd rather stick to what I know just now. Also, ASIair isn't an option as I park the mount horizontally at the end of a session and ASIair doesn't have that feature.


CQ350 Meridian.jpg


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16 minutes ago, Mikey0368 said:

I've sorted it by simply disabling Mount Limits in EQMOD. Seems to be happy enough now.

MIght be worth persevering with limit settings. I know I had to mess with EQMOD and my AZ-EQ6 to get it right but it's definitely worth it versus software going awry and your scope hitting the legs due to no limits. As an aside I use GSS now as I found it far eaiser to work out/set the limits accordingly.

Oh and I found GSS far easier to set custom park positions too so if you want the horizontal park GSS makes that a piece of cake.

Edited by scotty38
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I've come across another problem with EQMOD. If parked horizontally, when I launch the program the mount springs into action but doesn't move, it just makes a really uncomfortable sound and judders a bit. I don't send any commands to the mount, it happens as soon as EQMOD is started. I can get round it by parking it normally at the end of a session, disconnecting the eqdir cable, connect the handset, slew until the scope is horizontal and turn it off. I then do the same in reverse when starting and allow it to find the home position itself before connecting the eqdir cable again.

Turn the sound up when playing this video.........

I'm pretty sure that the mount is fine and it's a compatibility issue with EQMOD.

One other annoying thing is that I've had to buy an additional counterweight to balance the scope with all of the kit on it. Why sell a mount that can cope with a heavy scope but fail to provide sufficient counterweights?


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I can't help with your issues but I'm very interested in any replies you get!

My trembling fingers have been hovering over the "complete order" button on one of these for a while. I've heard a few negative comments but maybe they are mostly quirks?

My existing EQ6 Pro is actually holding up superbly with my new and rather heavy RC10. Which is both wonderful and a nuisance. If it had failed to guide well then my decision would have been made already.

So, please continue to post on your progress with this mount. A need motivating :)

By the way, it looks like the CQ350 isn't even breaking a sweat with that 300P. 

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15 hours ago, Mikey0368 said:

parking it normally


Maybe there is confusion between 'park' and 'home'? AFAIK, there are an infinite number of possible park positions but the home position is unique to your site. 

It sounds as if the motor is turning, but the worm is not meshing with the crown. I couldn't find any detail on worm adjustment as I don't think anyone has had a 350 to bits yet so maybe best to ask SW about the noise.

If you are now beginning sessions with 'autohome' and have set park relative to that, ignore what follows...

The only way our EQ8-r (same board, same encoders, same firmware) knows where it is, is by first registering the position of the axis encoders. This is most easily done by issuing the 'autohome' command. Under INDI eqmod, we can perform this without having to resort to the handbox. Under eqascom, you must first issue autohome from the hand controller. To have predictable parking and slewing, everything must be measured relative to the autohome position. Just in case, remove any plate solving coordinates you may have stored before you  begin.

Once you have the home position set correctly, simply slew to where you want to park and save that position via eqascom. 

Apart from that, am out of ideas but HTH anyway

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IMO I don't thing the issue with the scope not moving is down to EQMOD.  All that does is send the commands to make the mount move each axis the required number of steps to complete the movement.  The fact the mount shudders at the ramp up and down portions of that instruction suggest that it's more mechanical as if a belt or gear is slipping.  But then you would expect the same thing with the handset, which you have stated works.   You could try using GSS in place of EQMOD and see if you get the same result.  

I have used EQMOD with my HEQ5 to custom part the scope in the observatory in the same horizontal position, and can't see why people struggle with the custom park option.  Just set the unpark option to the same custom park position.  This way the software knows exactly how the mount is positioned.

Nice looking set up,  although clearance to the RH wall seems tight !!

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4 minutes ago, malc-c said:

Nice looking set up,  although clearance to the RH wall seems tight !!

Agreed and in the absence of any other info I'd have been suggesting it was hitting the wall.... Of course I am assuming that's just an optical illusion 🙂

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's detecting your mount as an HEQ5/6? I think the motor speed settings etc maybe different and could be causing unpredictable behaviour.

Edit - I am wrong it shouldn't be an issue.

Edited by PSG2001
correct my comment
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Given the fact the mount uses the Skywatcher protocol it should be fine to work with EQMOD.  However the mount isn't listed on the prerequisites  page.  It does list the EQ8, and EQMOD does have the option to set custom ratios should the ratios  of the CQ350 be different.  I guess joining and posting on the EQMOD User Group and linking to this thread might help.  Mind you it's been a while since the OP posted so maybe he/she  has resolved the issue

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Motors Hybrid High Precision Stepper Motors (Belt Driven)
Power Requirement DC 11~16V 2A (higher voltage preferred), 55W
Motors 0.9° Hybrid Stepper Motor
R.A. Worm Wheel Teeth 308
DEC Worm Wheel Teeth 288
R.A. Gear Diameter 155
Resolution 55,193,600 Counts / Rev. Approx. 0.023 arc-second


Looking at the above specifications I would say that a custom gear ratio is required as it's not the same as the EQ8 

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