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The Monoceros SNR and SNR G206.9+2.3


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The Monoceros SNR is the enormous circle of mainly Ha emission between the Rosette Nebula and the Cone Nebula. Above it is the much smaller (but still relatively large) and very faint blue Oiii-emitting SNR only named G206.9+2.3.

This is what my Samyang 135 caught piggybacking on my dual-RASA rig over two recent nights. I have added about 50% RASA data to the Rosette and the blue SNR. For more info on the blue SNR see https://www.astrobin.com/8wuzok/

Materials and methods: 51 x 5 min with Samyang 135 and an Omegon veTEC571C with IDAS NBZ filter, and 102 x 5 min with RASA8 with ASI2600MC and NBZ or Baader high-speed Oiii filter. So totally about 16.5 hours. Processed in PI and PS including all the XTerminators.

Cheers, Göran

20230227-0302 Monoceros SY135 PS17smallSign.jpg

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7 hours ago, Rodd said:

Wow--now that is a FOV!  Nice orientation.  What is the OIII emission near top?  That looks like a potential decent target for longer focal lengths

Thanks Rodd! Read my post and you find a link to that object😉


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9 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

That's nice and new - to me, at least!


Thanks Olly! I did not know about it either until I though I saw something there i a recent wide field image someone posted on Astrobin. A bit of research revealed that a few people had actually imaged it. So it bacame a RASA target for me and this image is the joint effort of the RASAs and the piggybacking Samyang 135. I could actually see a faint trace of it also in the 4.25 hours I got with the Samyang. Here is the RASA image of the SNR:


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