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Heart of the Rose


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"Heart of the Rose"
A deep dive into the centre of the Rosette Nebula (NGC 2237)

6½ hours of 5 minute subs, using a 533MM Pro and ZWO 7nm narrowband filters.
Askar 130PHQ @ 1000mm focal length, EQ6R Pro.
Processed in PixInsight.

Played with completely automating this image run - had everything built in NINA's advanced sequencer then pressed "play" way before it got dark  - then went out for the evening. Seems to have gone off without a hitch!

Heart of the Rose HOO.png

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Nice one!  Yes, the NINA automation works really well - I use it all the time, and had my first 12 hour session in January - it happily managed everything from 6.15 pm to 6.20 am while I slept!

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1 hour ago, Maximidius said:

Those bok globules look superb, cracking image! I haven't used NINA yet but I'm thinking about giving it a go. 

It's well worth it. I struggled a bit at first, because I'd been using Sharpcap, and Nina seemed a lot more involved, but once you bite the bullet and invest time in learning it pays you back many fold!

Depending on your kit, I'd highly recommend the Three Point Polar Alignment and Darks Customs Filter Offset plugins - both were game changers for me.




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