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AstroCamp Spring 2023


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If anyone's got a spare mount (alt az preferred) that they'd be willing to bring to lend out for the weekend I'd be grateful. 

We're arriving from a couple of weeks in France, and when I was packing I remembered everything (scope #1, scope #2, eyepieces, camera, other camera, laptop, dust blower, flattener. Solar filters, bahtinov mask. Intervalometer, spare 2032 button cell even), but forgot the tripod and mount! 😕🤬🤡

I'll be happy enough sharing mrsG's binoculars, but if there's someone with a spare tripod and mount, I'd be grateful. 

We're on pitch 28.

And if anyone needs a spare 2032 button cell, pitch 28 has at least one going spare.

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41 minutes ago, Pixies said:

I could bring an AZ-GTi and a Manfrotto 55 down from Edinburgh, if the scopes aren't too heavy? Would be OK for visual.

That would be very much appreciated. The mount that's sitting at home is the AZ GTi so it'll be perfect.  If the Tripod is too much for you to pack I can requisition Mrs G's heavy weight binocular tripod (Manfrotto Triman) so that's not essential. 

See you there. 


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On 16/04/2023 at 10:54, Gfamily said:

That would be very much appreciated. The mount that's sitting at home is the AZ GTi so it'll be perfect.  If the Tripod is too much for you to pack I can requisition Mrs G's heavy weight binocular tripod (Manfrotto Triman) so that's not essential. 

See you there. 


Just packing things up now. Can you bring whatever power/batteries you need for the AZGti? I don't have any spare that I might not be using elsewhere.

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1 hour ago, Pixies said:

Just packing things up now. Can you bring whatever power/batteries you need for the AZGti? I don't have any spare that I might not be using elsewhere.

No problem, I have a spare power pack. This is very much appreciated.

As we got here yesterday, I can report that we had a lovely early evening, but it clouded over by the time it was dark.  I can only hope it's saving the clear nights for the weekend 

. 😄🤞

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There was an email sent out yesterday, with a link to this  Spring's Astrocamp guide. They've included a list for a "Cwmdu Marathon" - 42 objects to observe through the night (hoping we get some full nights' of observing). Anyway, I've made up a 'skylist' file of the objects to import into SkySafari, if anyone's interested.

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9 hours ago, cajen2 said:

Think you'll be lucky. The forecast is not looking good. I'm setting my expectations low to avoid disappointment: maybe some quick views between clouds....

Sunday looks the best chance according to CO.

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Just back from the Spring Astrocamp in Cwmdu, Wales.

Saturday and today was a wash out but last night the skies cleared and from viewing a crescent Moon and Venus just after sunset to watching Antares rising before dawn, I must have had a total of about 4 hrs eyepiece time and the dark skies were "Magical". The Summer Milky Way was easily visible to the naked eye stretching through Cygnus and even a slight Aurora, though I didn't see that as I was too busy getting lost in the Virgo galaxy cluster and all with a 4.5" refractor. Plenty of Messier objects observed and they all stuck out, quite pronounced from the starry background unlike the dim fuzzy blobs I get from my backyard. Last night took me back to my youth when the skies closer to home were dark and also the many camping trips I've previously had around Dartmoor. Super experience and the campsite at Cwmdu is excellent, shame about the rain but it was well worth it just for last night, great to meet all the other astro nutters as well.

Despite the weather, 10/10.

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Hopefully this will show - it's about 6 minutes in realtime, down to a few seconds, showing a trace of auroral activity alongside the setting Moon and more than a little atmospheric nebulosity. 

A memorable Astrocamp - in part for the aurora, but also (mainly?) for how wet it was.  Great to see old friends and make new ones - that's what it's all about really!

A great talk from @kev100 about the origins and development of his " A Decade in Stargazing", as well as from the main crew.  


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I decided to go home in a brief break in the rain to pack the kit away. Sorry I couldn't say goodbye to everyone but the talk was on.

Had a great time and the few hours of observing between clouds under such a dark sky made it all worth it - plus of course meeting so many nice people!


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Just back last night. Decided the Monday night forecast wasn't worth waiting around for. 

Saturday was a washout and Sunday was looking poor, but then it cleared at dusk. Before midnight we were limited to the west and then the clouds started building. But then suddenly it was clear (with Aurora) and stayed clear until dawn was approaching. Then the heavens opened!

But those many clear hours were great.  

Missed a couple of fireballs too! The usual thing: head down with eye on eyepiece - then lots of "Oooh! Amazing! - The brightest thing I've seen in ages...." 🙄

Great to see some old faces, and some new ones too!

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7 hours ago, Pixies said:

Great to see some old faces, and some new ones too!

Thanks again for the loan of the AZ Gti - it meant I could get some white light solar imaging, and views of the Moon and Venus,  It was a shame about the rain, but the aurora made it a memorable weekend.  Fortunately, this morning was clear and dry for dismantling the meeting area shelters. 

Can't wait until September. 

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On 24/04/2023 at 16:38, Gfamily said:

Hopefully this will show - it's about 6 minutes in realtime, down to a few seconds,...  


Someone at Astrocamp asked about how I made the animation (from a sequence of camera images)

I've prepared a very quick document showing two ways to make an animated gif - one using an online tool, the other using the GIMP (easier if you don't have  a good online connection)


Edited by Gfamily
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