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California nebula close up


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If one can talk about a close up when using a RASA at 400 mm folcal length. But this nebula is just so very big and this was not a planned shot. I aimed at it out of frustration when I realized that the moon was just next to my planned target for the night. Great thing is that it is very bright so a lot of detail came through even with a nearly full moon. The NBZ filter of course helped, so this is a HaOiii image.

To me it looks like there is a big dark nebula protruding into the Ha from the left. I had not noticed that in other images of the California nebula.


Imaged with my dual-RASA8 rig with ASI2600MC (IDAS NBZ filter) on a Mesu 200. Processed in PI and PS using StarXT, BlurXT and NoiseXT. 131 x 5 min, so about 11 hours.

I also throw in the image that the piggybacking Samyang 135 caught the same night (6 hours with NBZ filter). Not as deep and detailed, but at least the whole nebula fitted in🤣

Cheers & CS, Göran

20230201-2 California RASA1+2 PS20smallSign.jpg


20230201-2 California SY135 PS11smallSign.jpg

Edited by gorann
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