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It is probably noticed that I tend to post reworked images frm time to time.  This is, of course, partially a matter of having cloudy skies and no new data to process.  It is also due to a tenant of mine...that data should be made to look as good as is possible.   I reprocess images over and over in order to make the best image I can.  THIS, no doubt, is a byproduct of my inferior processing skills.  What is the old adage?   "It matters not how one falls down, but that one gets back up".  Well, I have bloody knees, indeed.  But I think I have improved this data set.  

C11Edge with .7x reducer and asi 1600-RGB with synthetic luminamnce (also RGB)--about 10.5 hours.



EDitr--I think thr opriginal orientation is best due to the sensor geometry--same data




Edited by Rodd
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