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ASI 585 MC problems


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Hi All, Can I get some comments please.

I've just purchased an ASI 585 MC (from a respected dealer in the UK) and got to use it last night through high cloud but I had a problem in that the camera would not download via a USB 3.0 cable. I tried two other USB 3.0 cables with the same no show results. It did download however when I swapped the guide cam (USB 2.0) and 585 cables round?

I tried with Astroart 8, Sharpcap pro 4 and ASI Studio none of which would download a capture via USB 3 but would via USB 2

This morning I've tried processing the few frames I did manage to capture last night. But here I encountered another strange (to me) problem. I use PI and usually debayer with my ASI MC cameras as RGGB combined channels. Doing that with these frames resulted in strange colourings. I then debayered as BGGR and these processed quite normally.

Any ideas? Could the cabling issue cause the debayering anomaly?

Comments welcome

BGGR debayer



RGGB debayer


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42 minutes ago, Cosmic Geoff said:

All ZWO cameras don't use the same bayering scheme. 

For USB3 to work, all the relevant ports and the cable have to be USB3.  I'd expect it to default to USB2 if not.

The USB 3 cable is direct camera to laptop the usb 2 is via the mounts hub to a different laptop port

The info button in ASI Studio shows the sensor as RGGB

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I have the ASI585MC and when I first tried to setup focus during the day with SharpCap & AsiStudio the camera was not recognised. FireCapture did work and the problem was USB3 speed related and an update to the ZWO drivers & Sharpcap fixed the problem.

I've had not problem with the camera since.


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