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New Year - New Eyepiece!


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Happy NY everyone…

This is my current EP collection:


3.2mm BST 

5mm BST

8mm BST

12mm BST

15mm TV

20mm TV

25mm TV

40mm TV

55mm 2” TV

Wide FOV

5mm TV Nag

7mm WO UWA

12.5mm Baader Morph

20mm TV Nag 2”

30mm SL UFF 2”

All round observer including solar, planets, moon, double star, deep space. Mainly for use with 60mm F10 and 100mm F8 refractors.

Always thinking about the next EP.. Looking for best performance in class and have a few ideas - but what EP would you get next and why??

Thanks in advance for any suggestions! 



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That's a nice collection of sweeties. I suggest doubling up on your 25mm & 15mm TV plossl's and grabbing a binoviewer. The Moon and planets will take on a whole new dimension in your DZ. Or may be a Tak 4mm TOE, or possibly the set of three TOE's. Or what about a Tak Turret? Alternatively, you could simply send me your bank details and I'll spend your money for you.:biggrin:

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2 hours ago, markse68 said:

10mm BCO. You don’t have any orthos. Everyone should have a 10mm BCO ;) Cheap too, especially sh. 


Thanks Mark, I’d not even considered an ortho, a great suggestion. 👍

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54 minutes ago, mikeDnight said:

That's a nice collection of sweeties. I suggest doubling up on your 25mm & 15mm TV plossl's and grabbing a binoviewer. The Moon and planets will take on a whole new dimension in your DZ. Or may be a Tak 4mm TOE, or possibly the set of three TOE's. Or what about a Tak Turret? Alternatively, you could simply send me your bank details and I'll spend your money for you.:biggrin:

Thanks Mike

I have been seriously resisting a binoviewer but I think it’s only a matter of time! Similarly the 4mm TOE is very appealing. Decisions decisions.


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3 hours ago, PatG said:

Happy NY everyone…

This is my current EP collection:


3.2mm BST 

5mm BST

8mm BST

12mm BST

15mm TV

20mm TV

25mm TV

40mm TV

55mm 2” TV

Wide FOV

5mm TV Nag

7mm WO UWA

12.5mm Baader Morph

20mm TV Nag 2”

30mm SL UFF 2”

All round observer including solar, planets, moon, double star, deep space. Mainly for use with 60mm F10 and 100mm F8 refractors.

Always thinking about the next EP.. Looking for best performance in class and have a few ideas - but what EP would you get next and why??

Thanks in advance for any suggestions! 



Just a brief question, Pat: are you happy with your range of Plossls, their FOV and eye relief? If the answer is yes, fine. Good Plossls and Orthos (like the BSOs) can give great views. Personally, I'm addicted to wider fields of view (70°+) and long eye relief (perhaps because I use only dobs and get very tired of nudging the scope constantly). Can I also ask if you prefer the experience of viewing with your Morph or your WO?

I'm very aware that what suits one person may not suit another, which is why the subject of EPs seems to generate so much debate. My own collection includes EPs by Baader, Pentax and StellaLyra but my favourites are the Morpheus range, my 2" 80° 20mm SL and my newly acquired Celestron Ultima Edge 30mm. YMMV! 😛

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Hi Cajen, 

Good questions….

I think that I’m happy with a narrower FOV with a Plossl for example when doing solar and looking at planets, double stars etc, particularly if this realises better contrast / sharper image, and I mainly use a tracking mount so moving out of the FOV is not an issue.

That said, I’m also a big fan of wider FOV too and enjoy this both just for enjoyment of a wider view and particularly on deep sky objects, open and glob clusters etc. 

I love the 12.5mm Morph, and now tend to use this more than the WO 7mm.  Based on a few brief sessions with the 30mm SL UF, I think this is a lovely EP too and it’s also now a firm favourite. Definitely be investing in another Morph at some point, also curious about the other EPs in the new SL UF range and how they are thought of as they seem very well priced. 




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1 hour ago, PatG said:

Hi Cajen, 

Good questions….

I think that I’m happy with a narrower FOV with a Plossl for example when doing solar and looking at planets, double stars etc, particularly if this realises better contrast / sharper image, and I mainly use a tracking mount so moving out of the FOV is not an issue.

That said, I’m also a big fan of wider FOV too and enjoy this both just for enjoyment of a wider view and particularly on deep sky objects, open and glob clusters etc. 

I love the 12.5mm Morph, and now tend to use this more than the WO 7mm.  Based on a few brief sessions with the 30mm SL UF, I think this is a lovely EP too and it’s also now a firm favourite. Definitely be investing in another Morph at some point, also curious about the other EPs in the new SL UF range and how they are thought of as they seem very well priced. 




Yes, the Morphs are excellent. The 17.5mm is especially good, I'm told (I'm already covered at that f/l so I haven't bought one). As I said, the SL UFF 30mm is supposed to be the the same as the Celestron that I mentioned and is great VFM.

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On 01/01/2023 at 17:30, Sunshine said:

I would like to try a Tak eyepiece, not sure which one, but I hear they're sweet planetary eyepieces.

Tak LE 5mm. Helped me stop regretting the sale of my Meade UWA 5.5mm, and that's no mean feat.

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