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NINA park problems


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Iam using NINA simple sequencer,M Uno mount with EQ Mod I have set park position in both NINA and EQ mod but after finishing a shooting session although i have designated Park Mount the mount does not park continues to track and ends up in all sorts of positions. If i tell the mount to park manually it parks correctly

Any ideas anybody



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You probably need to look at the log and see what is happening in the sequence when the park command is sent. Having said that NINA will send a "standard" command but it's down to the driver to carry it out. You can also run a conformance check on the ascom mount driver if you wish just to make sure it is behaving.


You also need to make sure that your eqmod limits are set accordingly so if NINA does crash or go wonky you have a safeguard from hitting tripods etc.

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Hi Peter

Has it ever worked in parking at the end of a session? How is the setup connected (long USB runs, etc.) to the PC/ laptop or whatever? I have had this as an intermittent problem, one was the right angle 12v power cable connector being a bit sloppy and I think when the meridian flip happened there was a momentary power outage/spike that upset the EQMOD; the second was with the USB connections via a cheap USB 3 hub, I think that if an image was downloaded at some critical point when PC was sending commands to the mount it caused a glitch and that was solved by running all the USB connections through a Startech USB 3 hub but running the mount EQMOD cable via its own USB cable to the PC. I have not had that problem since.

Hope that helps.


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Hi Peter,

I would suggest you to give another driver a try - a GS Server https://greenswamp.org/ (assuming you have a SW mount). You can clearly set and then  select a park position in the driver and when the driver receives park position command it turns the mount to that position. 

I remember I also had problems with park positions in EQ mod. 


Edited by drjolo
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1 hour ago, drjolo said:

Hi Peter,

I would suggest you to give another driver a try - a GS Server https://greenswamp.org/ (assuming you have a SW mount). You can clearly set and then  select a park position in the driver and when the driver receives park position command it turns the mount to that position. 

I remember I also had problems with park positions in EQ mod. 


I use GSS and have park options setup too but when I was using EQMOD I had no issues sending the park command as part of a NINA sequence.

He doesn't have a SW mount though 🙂

Edited by scotty38
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On 21/11/2022 at 18:02, scotty38 said:

You probably need to look at the log and see what is happening in the sequence when the park command is sent. Having said that NINA will send a "standard" command but it's down to the driver to carry it out. You can also run a conformance check on the ascom mount driver if you wish just to make sure it is behaving.


You also need to make sure that your eqmod limits are set accordingly so if NINA does crash or go wonky you have a safeguard from hitting tripods etc.


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Hi Guys thaks for all the replies.


It has worked in the past.

I use a pegasus astro V2 ulimate power box that contains a commercial grade usb hub however there might be some milage in going direct to the Pc with the EQ mod cable


Simple Sequencer also has a Park command


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On 21/11/2022 at 18:02, scotty38 said:

You also need to make sure that your eqmod limits are set accordingly so if NINA does crash or go wonky you have a safeguard from hitting tripods etc.

I don't believe that would help if eqmod crashes which appears the case here as in my case where NINA and PHD2 both displayed a mount connection error and eqmod was frozen, so the mount carried on trundling through the night until dawn (luckily the mount was on a pillar and no collision occurred). 

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22 hours ago, woodsie said:

there might be some milage in going direct to the Pc with the EQ mod cable

That's worth a try as it doesn't cost anything and if the symptom persists, then the cause can be narrowed down to the power supply to the mount or something at the PC. 

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25 minutes ago, Varavall said:

I don't believe that would help if eqmod crashes which appears the case here as in my case where NINA and PHD2 both displayed a mount connection error and eqmod was frozen, so the mount carried on trundling through the night until dawn (luckily the mount was on a pillar and no collision occurred). 

Not sure what you're saying here as my reply was to the OP and no mention of EQMOD crashing.....

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