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Meteor storm - not !

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Space Weather reported the possibility of a meteor storm for last night (https://www.spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=17&month=11&year=2022)

I took a sequence of images from 3.30am and 4.30am (Canon, 14mm Samyang, 15s exps)

The time lapse shows aircraft and satellites but confused at what's happening in the lower left corner just above the trees,  the numerous trails can't be meteors and looks odd for aircraft.

Any thoughts  🤔?

Big gif might take a while to get loaded, sorry 🥴



Edited by Debo
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On 19/11/2022 at 15:34, Debo said:

Space Weather reported the possibility of a meteor storm for last night (https://www.spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=17&month=11&year=2022)

I took a sequence of images from 3.30am and 4.30am (Canon, 14mm Samyang, 15s exps)


I believe the outburst (not storm!) did occur as per the predictions, however it looks like the rate was over estimated. The prediction was for bright meteors @ ~06UT, and as is often the case, the outburst was short lived. Unfortunately it looks like you stopped recording just before the outburst occurred.

I only spied it by monitoring the UKMON network cameras, which caught these six bright events at around the time of the prediction:







That cluster of bright events stuck out like a sore thumb on what was otherwise a fairly quiet night with few if any bright events before 05:09.

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