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The rush of seeing Pleiades and the Orion Nebula for the first tome!


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So I was about to head to sleep last night around 1am and was getting ready for my shift at 1pm (night shifts have messed my sleep so I’m sleeping later than usual) and checked the weather before I slept. Low and behold CLEAR SKIES BABYYYYY. I don’t have a telescope yet but I have Binos but are being replaced soon. I decided it might be worth a quick victory lap with the Binos that got me into Observing. 

Grabbed my tripod and ran out to the back garden area of the flats I live in. The only solid ground was by the bins so that stank but It didn’t matter cause I could clearly see Orion, Mars with just my eyes. I live next to a motorway which usually sucks but no one was driving by the tesco near me was closed so no light. Bortle 6 but I could see A LOT.

Stellarium said Pleiades was out so I started searching and noticed a faint blur through my poor eyes. Right above me. Damn near threw my back out looking up but after a bit of search and adjusting I saw it. 7 stars surrounding by several other little white dots what a sight!!!

Orion was in a good position so I attached my Bino’s to my trip pod and began looking at Orion. The belt was so bright but that wasn’t my aim so I started searching you know what for… a few second of adjusting and there it was a smudge/blur surrounded by a few bright stars. M42 was present and I could see it! I tried taking a picture but it’s so hard to take picture with Bino’s ended up getting an image of the Belt lmao. 

after that futile attempt ai just kept switching between targets Pleiades, M42, Theta Tauri (I think that’s a binary system but I could notice two stars) eitherway it was just so good swing thing. That I had read about. With my Bino’s I was only able to see Ursa Major and Andromeda (not Galaxy just the Constellation). Swing that stuff felt like falling in love all over again. Just wonderful.


below should my scuffed attempt at m42 lol


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Honestly I feel that especially in Bortle 6 areas just staring at the sky normal shows a lot but with a pair of binoculars it’s really special. Dark patches show a tapestry of light it’s really cool just knowing things are hidden out there for you to find. 

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It honestly gives me something to look forward to in the winter - knowing I'll have long nights with Orion and the Pleiades to view. I swear I could observe something different around Orion every night and never run out of targets.

Just wait till you get your first scope!

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I am waitinf for Orion to get higher before I drag the 10 inch out and turn it loose on it.  I have a couple eyepieces that I have yet to turn loose on it.  Orion is far and away my favorite target.   

Edited by Mike Q
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@KingsAmis Yep, I know exactly the feeling you're describing - I'm new and I felt (still feel!) exactly the same when I first saw the Pleiades. And the Orion Nebula. And Jupiter's moons. So cool, all of it.

I had another similar moment last night with the Andromeda Galaxy M31 - you're skies might be a bit darker than mine I think so you might be able to make it out with your binos.

Keep up the good work 👍🔭

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