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Hickson Group 44


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I'm working through my unprocessed data from the beginning of the year so apologies for out of season images.

I wanted to do the HCG44 group ever since seeing the rendition by Dave on his ODK @DaveS  I used the longest focal length scope I had at 1200mm.

There is about 7 hours of OSC data, through the 250px and 2600MC in 120s subs, all taken in a single night in March.  I'm noticing a large rainbox shaped reflection in all the 250 images I'm processing, I think it's a product of the MPCC and the ODW filter.  Also the FWHM for this data was averaging 6+ in the subs, probably a bad atmosphere and/or collimation and generally not the best optics.  Having said all that, its got the four galaxies, and bit of colour and some detail, so I can tick it off the list.


C+C welcome



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That's a lovely result of one of my favourite Hickson groups to observe. I had the pleasure of seeing the Arp arms of that galaxy at 23:00 with averted vision in my 16" and a vaugest hint of the dusty lane on the centeral galaxy. 

Lovely image to my eyes. 

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