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Tracking for photographs


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Hi all. I took my new zwo224 out for a spin last night for two hours and it was a disaster. I can’t keep the target, which was Jupiter, on the screen for long enough to focus it let alone take a pic. It’s not a goto mount which I thought would be fine. But it’s not fine, trying to manually track is a mess. Can I add a motor to my mount to help this or do I need a whole new mount?


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I think tracking with such a small chip will be tricky. Getting the RA motor will make things much easier.

If it makes you feel better, I have used my 200p with a 3x Barlow and couldn't even find Jupiter in the FOV☹️. That's with goto and tracking....

I don't do planets much these days😄 Stick to big stuff and plate solve.

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Even plate solving is going to be a challenge, I think. That's a 6" SCT with a 1500mm focal length, right? So the field of view is going to be 12 arcminutes wide. My system struggles sometimes with a 32' FOV. Too, the target is going to sweep clear across the sensor in 45 seconds if I'm doing the math right.

Learning photography with a scope that long is going to be a real bear, my friend. It just exacerbates every little problem and they all add together. RA tracking is going to be a necessity, and the lack of goto will tend to frustrate you. Of course, you could get in the ballpark with a finder, center in a low-power, then a high-power eyepiece, then swap in the camera. That might work.

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