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The Fruits of Friday Night

OK Apricot

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These images are from my most recent night out where I got to the bottom of my issues a week ago regarding NINA and EQMOD randomly stopping tracking, disconnecting from camera etc. They were also taken from my garden on my still "almost finished" astro podium, so it was nice to really settle in for the night. 

Due to the relatively bright moon I chose a couple of targets in Cygnus. I was set up by 2100 so while I was waiting for my targets to cross the meridian, I slewed over to M31 to pass the time and make sure I was focused, guiding was working, but I was also curious as to what a broadband target would look like through a dual narrowband filter. I gathered around an hour's worth of 180s subs, stacked them today and really liked how it picked out the nebulousity in the galaxy. I'd love to get some more broadband data on this and see where it goes.

Anyway, the targets were now there for the taking so I set my sequence and sat back.

Bortle 5, thin-moderate high cloud, slight breeze, moon rising around 2300 lighting up the high cloud. 

EQ6-R Pro, Evostar 80ED/0.85X FF/FR, ASI533MC-Pro w/ZWO Duo-band filter, guiding with Evoguide 50ED and ASI120MM-Mini, processed in GIMP.

Cygnus Wall 24x240s @ -15c, Veil 12x300s @ -15c. 

The Veil was a bit tricky to process really, and I'm not 100% on this so will add data and reprocess in the near future. The Wall however was quite fun. It does seem like I have some coma particularly in the top left corners? I'm not sure this is spacing as the aberrations would mirror each other on opposite sides, right? Is this tilt? Imperfect FF? Am I expecting too much and this normal?

Anyways, thanks for reading if you got this far, looking, and I'd appreciate any feedback and criticism :)





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Really brilliant images 🤩, so pleased your new astro podium is getting you good results now and all worth the effort and struggles look at your images. 

I cannnot comment on the issues and can't see that, I just like what I see, top work indeed. 


Edited by AstroNebulee
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