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AZ-GTi heartbreak... and a new hope born!


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My first AZ GTi gave me years of headache with ALT-runaway, weird wifi glitches and all-round erratic tracking. After it decided to catch every second causing a parmanent state of vibration, I decided to get a new mount.

I looked at all the options, and decided to try another AZ-GTi. After a week, this one has stopped moving left and down. As long as everything is to the right and up, I'll be fine 🥴

My partner was very sympathetic and asked why not a get a proper mount? I casually mentioned the price of an AM5, and they said the magic words "Just get it!"

So... which Harmonic drive to get? I want it to run off a nice friendly app and if possible have a physical controller. It must support AZ and EQ operation, and connect to the tripod using a 3/8 thread. My modest deep sky astrophotography ambitions comprise unguided subs of a few seconds. As for planetary photography and viewing I have a C6 but maybe might consider an 8 inch CC if I had a mount capable of carrying it. I like the look of the ZWO one, and of course it matches my camera.

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Sorry to hear about the azgtis as I've not really had issues with mine.

The AM5 as far as I've seen is the only HD one which has a 3/8 mounting thread, all the others are their own type. Pair it with an Asiair and you'll be happy. You can also get the optional hand controller. Would love to get one myself but don't need one atm. The Pegasus NYX also looks good but little info on it atm.

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I am tending to the AM5 - it will attach to my Berlebach tripod, has a hand controller and there seem to be good reports. And it's red. But very nervous - I dare not spend a couple of thou and have problems afterwards!

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According to the listing on FLO its included in the box. Worth asking them to confirm any queries, they normally get back within a few hours. Or ask within the AM5 owners forum.

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Well, the GTI seems a bit more healthy after a firmware update, done over wifi because I like to live dangerously. I will give it my standard firmware tracking test on the next clear night: tracking Polaris in Alt-Az mode. In my experience that triggers Alt-runaway very quickly - the problem seems to happen more closer to the pole. If it fails that test I think I may take up my partner's generous suggestion of an AM5...

To be honest, I am half hoping the GTi fails its test. But my rational mind (I DO have one 🤣) tells me that the AM5 wouldn't be an upgrade photographically without guiding, and if I got it I would certainly go into an aperture fever feedback loop.

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The Alt runaway can happen anywhere in the sky, but is a dead certainty if I'm pointing at Polaris. I think the issue is Polaris may not move much, but it changes directions a lot and that seems to trigger the bug.

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On 07/09/2022 at 22:15, Elp said:

The AM5 as far as I've seen is the only HD one which has a 3/8 mounting thread, all the others are their own type. 

As a recent owner of an RST-135, I can attest this is not the case: the Rainbow Astro HD mounts have two mounting systems, 3/8" centre thread plus two M8s 45mm apart.

I literally just swapped my AZ-GTi (which I LOVE and has served as my travel AP mount wonderfully) for the RST in exactly the same mounting arrangement and It Just Works.

@Ags Happy to hear you fixed your GTi, I still use mine as my solar scope mount. In the future for you, I strongly, strongly recommend a 'Small Harmonic Drive' mount.... I've had a huge SCT hanging off the side of mine, it's practically the same size as the AZ-GTi but throws big scopes around like they're not there. Only concern is with legstrike, as these things have enough torque to physically bend and shear your equipment without pausing for breath...

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