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Sleeping when I should be imaging


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For the first time it happened to me. I just woke up and it is 4 am. At 8 pm I opened up the obsy roof to let the scopes temperature equilibrate and thought I needed a short power nap. I had not activated the snooze function on my smart phone and the wife, which normally would have got me up, is visiting her mother.

The sky is clear and looks fantastic now in the early dawn, and I can hear a male roe deer barking........

Has this happened to anyone else here?

Cheers, Göran


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😄 Yes, very recently. Planetary season (Jupiter, especially) required something like 3-4 a.m. of getting up. I set up the alarm properly for another visual session. Instead of that, I woke up at 7 a.m. to the alarm. I must have switched of the alarm at 3 a.m. in midsleep and just kept on sleeping. This rarely happens. Usually, I am immediately awake. Something I cannot confirm for the woman when the alarm is ringing - anytime :D.

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Years ago I set-up in the depths of winter , got the 'scope , camera and laptop up and running and then got out the binoculars.

Settled back in a chair wrapped in my thermals and cold store suit , toasty as can be .... 🙂

Next thing I knew was waking up to hear the next door neighbour screaming my name over the fence in a somewhat agitated fashion. ... !

I'd dozed off some hours previous in about  -6°C and was now covered from head to toe in frost , poor girl had wandered out for her breakfast coffee and cigarette and spotted me sitting there motionless and thought I'd carked it in the night ... 😯


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Way back when comet Hale Bopp was becoming a bright object in the morning sky. I had a run of about 3 early morning imaging sessions.  I remember hearing the alarm at 4am , sitting up  and getting ready, grabbed my camera kit and walked through the door into bright daylight!  Must have nodded off sitting up and lost track of time


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