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first image what would you improve


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I'm not much of a solar person, but I think I would try to improve on the black clipping in the lower left part of the image.

I would approach it by taking back the contrast boost (stretch or curves) performed last, and then using curves to boost contrast in the mid tones only, trying to keep that dark area at least slightly grey. That's personal choice though.


I did a little tweaking in RawTherapee.

I used LAB tweaks, and took the CL curve (colour saturation by brightness) and made the brightest parts of the image less saturated, while boosting the saturation of the mid tones and again restricting shadows saturation.

I then moved to the colour tab and fiddled with the white balance. I moved the blue-yellow slider a little more to the yellow I think. I then moved the green-pink slider more to the pink, and the blue-red slider more to the red. This I think makes a more lively and orange-yellow looking sun.

If this is an improvement, that's up to you, but it's my shot at having a fiddle with your image!


You could also do wavelet sharpening if you fancied, to make it pop a little more in the details. But again, it's art not science! If it looks good to you, that's what matters.

Hopefully this was helpful : D

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