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Maksutov 127/1500

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I'm guessing it's the Synta-made 127mm?


The 127mm actually has a focal length of 1540mm, effectively giving it a focal ratio f/12.1. 


In my experience these scopes are excellent for lunar and planetary viewing. Although their narrow field of view precludes them from wide rich field observation. Technically magnifications of at least 254x can be achieved. I was viewing Mars at 257x with my 127mm Mak' this morning in fact. Mostly though magnifications of around 120x - 170 are more usual for targets such as Jupiter and Saturn. The OTA can need a good hour to cool down outside before use. Otherwise the internal environment of the scope will suffer thermal air currents making sharp focus difficult. 

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Hi and welcome to SGL! To start the process of giving you some ideas it would be helpful to know what sort of mount/tripod you’re using with it, and what eyepieces you have. And most importantly, what the sky darkness is where you will be using it.
For instance I have a SkyMax 127 with similar properties to yours. I use it on a Alt/Azimuth GoTo mount called an AZGTi. I have a number of eyepieces, and I have tried taking photos of the Moon through it. Where I live is suburban with bright street lamps shining into my garden so with my eyepieces I concentrate on bright objects,  double stars, star clusters, the Moon and the planets. I have successfully photographed the DSO (deep sky object) ‘Messier 27 - the dumbbell nebula’ which is a relatively bright object. With my eye I could only just persuade myself that I could see a faint grey shape, but with the electronic ‘eye’ of my astronomy camera and around 100 x 30 seconds images, I was able to make this image:




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I have the SW 127 Mak, a great wee OTA. Yes it is mainly a lunar & planetary 'scope but can be used for bright DSO. 

Don't use high power EP's as the field of view is narrow. I find it works well with a 24mm EP. I was using mine for club outreach at the weekend and the campers looking through it were all wowed by the views of Saturn & Jupiter.

I do use a 8-24mm Baader Zoom, it goes a bit soft around 10mm or less.

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Indeed it would help to know if you received it as part of a package with a tripod, mount, eyepieces, and finder.  I put together a 127 Synta Mak camping outfit for my grown daughter before C19 hit.  I bought or scrounged everything separately.  Literally every component is from a different manufacturer.

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