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Satellites / space debris while solar observing?


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I've just up some binoviewers with my 80ED and managed to get to come to focus without a diagonal... not the most comfortable but better than nothing since the sun was getting low at least...

However, both my Wife and I were able to see a many objects in the background (not going across the Sun) flying a different velocities and brightness and angles...  Are these satellites and space debris being observed and considerably reflected by the Sun such that they're still visible even with the Baader filter on?  I can't think of any other explanation...


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Using similar equipment (ED80, Baader Solar Film and Continuum Filter) I have regularly seen the phenomenon you describe and concluded they were either insects, plant seed such as dandelions or birds passing through the FOV both in front of the disk, as well as outside the disk and visible as bright moving points. The occasional bird crosses the disc and is in sharp focus and clearly identifiable, but many of these objects are are much smaller in angular size and out of focus - but occasionally movement similar to flapping wings can be seen. So my guess is airborne wildlife of some or many sorts - lets face it, Swifts, Martins and Swallows would not be up there all the time if the air was not full of tasty stuff to eat. Oddly enough I have just started using a Baader Herschel Wedge and have not noticed anything crossing the FOV. I would imagine satellites would be too small to be seen either transiting the disc or lit up whilst passing nearby - but I stand to be corrected!

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