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New print came out very well, vixen dovetail.


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When you get really into printing, things start to crop up to mess with your prints. My delta printer is the one I use the most, but lately it’s been dishing out blobs of “snot” as we call it.

Finding the cause was going to be time consuming so I fired up my ender 2 and printed off the vixen dovetail from Thingiverse. 
As the first print of this item wasn’t as I hoped due to the afore mentioned snots! I decided to make this print slower and with more meat on the insides for aesthetics, they can look slightly horse starved.

I’m very impressed with the result !, it’s for mounting my latest purchase the Acuter 60 maksy on the SW az-gti.

The delta was resolved by tightening up the hot end bolts that had come loose and fitting a new nozzle as the other one was plastered with filament.

The white stuff is from pritt-stick used to make good adhesion on the first layer.

Ender 2 with pla + 210/60c





Edited by Chaz2b
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