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How do I get rid of frames that have the planet jittered?

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Because my mount doesn't accurately track the sky I always move it bit by bit to avoid it moving away from the object I am looking for. Whilst I do that when I am capturing data the object would move around and jitter from the movement of me using the remote whilst it is on the mount. Upon analysing frames in Autostakkert the frames where the planet is jittered and moved about would be in the start end of the quality graph and it can't be properly distinguished from all the normal frames that don't suffer from nudging by me moving the mount slightly. When I sharpen the stacked data with that I end up with this lines of where parts are stacked on top of each other but not the rest of the object.




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You can deselect the frames using the space bar in AS3, or if there is too many to manually sift through then you can run the video through PIPP and use the object detection function to get rid of the bad frames

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In the right hand window, once you analyse as3 orders the frame by what it thinks is the best quality, the slider on the top left of the second window can be scrolled through, the file numbers are listed below this slider and you can delete them from the target folder. It is a bit of a pain doing it this way though. I find it easier shooting the images as tif and using MS's default image viewer to scroll through them, you can delete them as you're going through them.

What I found sometimes helps is putting ap points on the edge of the planet making sure the centre sampling dots are actually on the planet and not in the blackness of space.

What ultimately works is just shooting one planet transit through the fov at a time and not moving the mount, you can always stack the results of each transit afterward.

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