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My 1st half decent galaxies


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Hi all

Took these last night after getting to grips with the DSI IIIC

Any hints or tips for improvements most appreciated

I think the Deepsky stacker version of M51 is a bit better than the Envisage version.

Hats off to Trev Boyde for the framing software:hello2:




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They are far better than anything I ever managed with the DSI IIC which now spends its life as my guidecam.. Your polar alignment must be pretty darn good as well as the stars are nice and round :)

Focusing is there or there abouts are you using the latest version of envisage the one with the "improved" magic eye tool... it gives you a 3D surface of the are in the selection box... until you draw a selection bock around a star it does nothing...


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Pic a target any target, and use it as your benchmark. Every time you try something new re-image it and see how the results compare with previous attempts... Records as much detail as possible about what you have done...

Soon you'll find the sweet spot.

Its a while since I have used envisaeg for anythign other tahn focusign the guidescope... there are a few optiosn o the way files are saved... If disk space isnt a problem I'd save every frame as a tiff... as it gives you loads of options on how you process the data later...


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Cheers for your reples, very encouraging

Billy, yep, version 7.05 envisage

I did think the focus was a tad off, but was impatient to get going and couldnt be bothered running upststairs to get the homemade bahninov ? mask, which works a treat i must add.

Oh plus ive just asked you a question in the usb hub thread lol

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