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Camera lens cleaning help


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The picture above is taken through my digital SLR Canon Eos 350D.

As you can see from the picture the lens is covered in dirt and all sorts. Whats the best way for cleaning the lens.

I've tried and failed badly.

Please help



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I bought a lens cleaning solution (fluid) and some lens cleaning tissues (paper) from Jessops and used carefully, these work incredibly well. In fairness I always have a filter over my camera lenses so it is the filter that I clean but the same rules apply:-

1. Use a high power puffer WITH THE BRUSH REMOVED to blow debris off first. In fact, through the brush away if it comes with one!

2. Take a whole tissue, put fluid on it and carefully wipe the surface. Throw this tissue away

3. Repeat 2.

4. Repeat 2.

5. Use a fresh dry tissue and lightly remove the now drying fluid.

6. repeat as necessary until there is not muck and no trace of the drying fluid

At no time should you be tempted to 'scour' the surface, let the fluid do the work of 'lifting' the crud but don't let it 'run' to the edge.

Use lots of tissues, don't be tempted to re-use even for a second wipe!

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Neil, the image has no EXIF data, but I'd guess that it was taken stopped down, this will show up sensor dirt clearly as KK says. If you have a rocker blower start with that. Mount the camera on a tripod, pointed down. Make sure the battery is fully charged. Remove the lens, use the menu for sensor cleaning, and, after blowing some air through the blower to remove any dirt within the tubes, puff away. Keep the tube away from the sensor. Then stop the lens (big number) all the way down, defocus and take a shot of the sky or the wall and see how it looks. Repeat a couple of times and see if you've managed to shift any.

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That dirt is on the sensor as KK says. Sensor cleaning is a simple task but needs to be be done carefully and with fully charged batteries, or at least, enough juice to keep the mirror up for the time it takes to clean the sensor, say three minutes or so.

The cleaning kist comprise a bottle of fluid and a few brush/pad hybrids. Use the pads once in one direction then once in the other, don't use the same aside of a pad twice and don't over wet.


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