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SynScan WiFi

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hi all 

Has anyone encountered connection problems with the SynScan Wi-Fi adaptor

i keep losing the WIFI connection 

i start the scope and connect the synscan Wi-Fi to my Galaxy s7 then i start  the synscan app press connect  

eventually after messing about for god knows how long the app finds the ip address but then the msg's start to appear cannot connect / cannot detect mount or error msg

on occasions the app connects and i start the alinement prosses and the scope moves to the positions i have selected all smiles at this point :) 

then nothing the app and my phone losses Wi-Fi connection  and that's that 🤬

this happen on four different devices 2x mobiles my laptop and a ASUS notebook 

can anyone help with advice  please


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Wifi can be a difficult beast. I would double check to see how many wifi signals you can see in your area as in many places the airwaves are so saturated with wifi signals that any wifi device is going to get interference and struggle. Also try and make sure that your devices are not connecting to the SynScan WiFi adaptor and then giving up on the connection as there is no internet connection. You may need to turn off auto connect on the other connections that you have configured to stop this from happening.

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1 hour ago, Grant Fribbens said:

Wifi can be a difficult beast. I would double check to see how many wifi signals you can see in your area as in many places the airwaves are so saturated with wifi signals that any wifi device is going to get interference and struggle. Also try and make sure that your devices are not connecting to the SynScan WiFi adaptor and then giving up on the connection as there is no internet connection. You may need to turn off auto connect on the other connections that you have configured to stop this from happening.

This. The phone I use my AZ GTI with will disconnect after a minute or so without any Internet connectivity. You need to instruct the phone to stay locked to the signal even in the absence of internet. Usually "stay connected" appears in settings 👍

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1 hour ago, OK Apricot said:

This. The phone I use my AZ GTI with will disconnect after a minute or so without any Internet connectivity. You need to instruct the phone to stay locked to the signal even in the absence of internet. Usually "stay connected" appears in settings 👍

This is one of the classic gotchas for the Synscan wifi. It drove me mad until I realized, and changed the setting on the phone. No problem since. I think the location of the setting to change is phone-specific.

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3 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

I found if you go into wifi settings and forget your own wifi because that will be stronger than the Synscan one and it will try to connect with that one, thus disconnecting from the synscan.

That would also work, but you would need to re-enter the password after your session? The problem isn't so much the strength of the respective signals, it's that by default the phone "prefers" a network that it knows has a working connection out to the Internet, which the mount hotspot does not have.

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6 minutes ago, Zermelo said:

That would also work, but you would need to re-enter the password after your session? The problem isn't so much the strength of the respective signals, it's that by default the phone "prefers" a network that it knows has a working connection out to the Internet, which the mount hotspot does not have.

It is very easy to put the password back in your only forgetting your home wifi.  When I started to use the dongle I had the same problems, I looked online and this was mentioned so I tried it and ever since I align the scope with that app put Sky Safari on and do a session 3/4 hrs without loss of signal or disconnection.

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29 minutes ago, wookie1965 said:

It is very easy to put the password back in your only forgetting your home wifi

Yes, that's fair enough.
In my case, the wifi password is a 33-character string of random letters, numbers and symbols, so it's a bit of a pain. I suspect I'm an outlier.

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For your password could you save it in note pad on the phone then copy paste it when you need it ?

I had the Wi-Fi dongle didn't have connection problem mine after doing what wookie said the problem was software with sky safari pro kept says all stars out of latitude ?????

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On 07/05/2022 at 09:54, Zermelo said:

… In my case, the wifi password is a 33-character string of random letters, numbers and symbols, so it's a bit of a pain. I suspect I'm an outlier.

In the general population you’re probably right. On here I'm not so sure. Mine is a mere 28 random characters 😁

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