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Newbie! Equipment advice please 😀

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Hello there! 😀


I've very recently ordered myself some kit to hopefully get started in this wonderful world of astrophotography. I've long been fascinated by documentaries and images of the cosmos. I've binged 100s of YouTube documentaries on the subject. After watching a good few videos on what it takes to get into astrophotography I've purchased some basic essential kit, I believe. What I have coming is as follows:-


Sky Watcher Star Adventurer 2i wifi pro pack

Sky watcher tripod for Star Adventurer

Canon 2000d DSLR

18-55mm kit lens

Canon remote

Other bits and bobs also come with the camera such as strap, spare battery etc etc. 


My question is, is this enough to get me started, or would I need to invest in a telescope and/or a better lens for the camera? 


I've seen some people get very nice images with a similar set up. Any advice would be massively appreciated! 


Many thanks for reading, 



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Hi Andy , welcome ... and congratulations on your purchases . 

The star adventurer is a fine piece of kit . Paired with a camera and the kit lens it will produce some lovely wide field shots , i'm sure . What are your skies like ? do you suffer any light polution ? Finding targets may be a niggle at first but , learning the night sky is half the fun ( and frustration lol) Download something like Stellarium or Sky Safari . Start with targets you can actually see . Its a shame the winter targets have all but gone now cos they would have been fine to start with . Practice focussing the camera . When you have found the focus i find its good to put a bit of masking tape on the camera  to prevent the focus being inadvertendly moved . 

The lens will be quite forgiving even if your polar alignment is slightly off , but the beauty of the Star Adventurer is that its easy to polar align . Have you downloaded the Sam cosole App? or PS Align app ?... these will give you accurate details of where polaris is . 

Above all , enjoy the experience ( sometimes everything will not work as expected , but , take your time and try not to rush the set up procedure ) I am speaking from experience :) 



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5 hours ago, Stu1smartcookie said:



5 hours ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

Hi Andy , welcome ... and congratulations on your purchases . 

The star adventurer is a fine piece of kit . Paired with a camera and the kit lens it will produce some lovely wide field shots , i'm sure . What are your skies like ? do you suffer any light polution ? Finding targets may be a niggle at first but , learning the night sky is half the fun ( and frustration lol) Download something like Stellarium or Sky Safari . Start with targets you can actually see . Its a shame the winter targets have all but gone now cos they would have been fine to start with . Practice focussing the camera . When you have found the focus i find its good to put a bit of masking tape on the camera  to prevent the focus being inadvertendly moved . 

The lens will be quite forgiving even if your polar alignment is slightly off , but the beauty of the Star Adventurer is that its easy to polar align . Have you downloaded the Sam cosole App? or PS Align app ?... these will give you accurate details of where polaris is . 

Above all , enjoy the experience ( sometimes everything will not work as expected , but , take your time and try not to rush the set up procedure ) I am speaking from experience :) 



Thanks for the detailed reply 😀

I've included a screenshot of the light pollution where I am. It isn't ideal but I can travel, no issues.

I've downloaded an app called PolarFinder Pro and I've had the Pro version of Stellarium for a little while now.

I welcome the challenge of identifying and capturing DSOs, sounds like part of the fun to me!

Hopefully before long I will have some of my own images to share on here!

Thanks again,




Edited by AndyMacNi
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