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Sky ShedPod - leaking solution


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Those of you who have a Sky ShedPod located in a an area that is buffeted by both wind and rain "may" have come across problem with water ingresss at the hinges. 

For me, a typical UK rain shower would fill a good cup full on each side. If it was torrential with wind it could be a litre+ each side and this was a problem that needed to be addressed.  Wayne (SkyShed Pod) sent me a link to a video he had made concentrating on the sealing around the hinges in more detail. That was very kind and I mirrored exactly what was done in the video including angling down the seals so that the water will run down them. However, I am guessing the location in my garden might be a bit too windy .... good old North Yorkshire !!

I do know some people have made covers (both cut to size and tarp) and might be considering other solutions. As we don't have a UK dealer, I made enquiries with Wayne for his purposely designed cover.  He discovered the shipping fees alone were £250 - add on customs and the cost of the cover on top and you will be over £700. So that was a total non starter.

However, with huge thanks to @carastro, Carole shared photos of a "gutter" solution she had come across and this got me thinking along these lines.

Rain is due within the hour, my weather station is showing winds peaking over 50 km/h so this afternoon could be a good test.

I am sharing this in case others might be in the same situation and scratching their heads wondering what to do. All parts sourced from Amazon Grime including a flexible reducer so that only a small hole was made in the outer wall of the observatory.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my Sky ShedPod and with a few mods it could be perfect for my needs ..... hydraulic dome removal solution to work on next ..... zenith blockage, what zenith blockage ;)

ps it goes without saying, when parking the dome it must be left in the same location at the end of every observing session



Edited by stevebb
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Well done Steve, glad to have helped.  Just wondering whether your "rain catching cup" (for want of a more technical name) is big enough to catch the rain, but since I only put a bucket under mine and it has a way to drop then I guess a bit of splash is to be expected.  

My dome always has to close in the same position too because silly me moved the position of the dome to try to offset the pier (unsucessfully) and made the walls slightly non circular in the process.  By the time I realised what i had done it was all stuck and screwed down with a PZT (Pod Zenith table) joined on, so have to live with it.


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my Sky ShedPod and with a few mods it could be perfect for my needs ..... hydraulic dome removal solution to work on next ..... zenith blockage, what zenith blockage ;)

Would you like sight of my Pod Zenith Table solution too?


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