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Canon DSLR body for Backyard EOS


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I'd like to try some basic astrophotography, just the moon and Jupiter. I have a Nikon DSLR which isn't compatible with Backyard Nikon. I'm looking to get a 2nd hand EOS body to try Backyard EOS. Does anyone have a recommendation for a basic EOS model that would suitable. I appreciate that the software supports lots of models , so any help appreciated.

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  • random changed the title to Canon DSLR body for Backyard EOS

Budget?  I mean imho u can't beat a 6d, especially if u can get a solid battered oldy.

But your budget should cover modification or buying modified unless you are sure the rabbit hole stops at planets.. Because for nebula you really need it.

But if just planets. Definitely.  Look for 550/1100 up. I will say though for planets, u really want lucky imaging, so ideally want one that can do 1080p video.

And.. To confuse things further IF you wants planets, you'd be best with an asi120mc or up. 100 quid should get u a second hand one, and since it shoots uncompressed raw video you will get far better results than u will with a dslr. And it sounds like you're using a pc already too.

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For planetary and lunar imaging, a planetary camera like the ASI462MC is much easier to use than a dSLR, and gives much better results with the 'lucky imaging' technique

(you shoot video, then stack the top 30% or so of the video frames)



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