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50mm finder storage

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Hello all,

I've recently become the owner of the below 50mm RACI finder from TS, and now I'm wondering about the best way to store it. Ideally, it would be great to store it with the rings and scope assembled but it's rather an odd shape, with screws sticking out etc. Unfortunately, leaving it set up on a scope is not an option for me. Another option would be the original packing foam but would need to be somewhat disassembled each time, and I'd need to find an outer bag with the right dimensions.

On the lookout for any other solutions - I'm assuming others must have had the same problem?


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Yes it is an awkward shape, all the more so with eyepiece and illuminator attached! I considered using a fitted case for mine, I do have an old outgrown eyepiece case, but even that would involve "flattening out" the finder's diagonal and illuminator, and then re-confguring it when setting up a scope. Far too much bother.

So for all my reasonably robust accessories I keep them in a deluxe shopping bag, with each item in its suitably-sized own food bag. Yes they're piled in there higgledy-piggledy, but there's no metal-on-metal contact, at least two layers of plastic separate everything. It started off as an interim solution to the problem, but I've found it works very well for me. Most of my adapters, cables, chargers and finders live in there when they're not attached to scopes. (Diagonals eyepieces and filters do have their separate more robust foam-filled waterproof case of course).




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Thanks Magnus. I do have a multi-purpose bag from TS (actually I'm certain it's the same bag that the Skymax 102 comes in) which I've been toying with the idea of using for the ever-increasing number of misc bits and bobs that one needs to take observing, cables batteries packs etc. Perhaps I could use that to carefully but loosely pack everything similarly to your approach.

Ironically, said bag is currently housing an old EQ mount head and loads of bits and bobs that one DOESN'T need to carry anywhere such as unused velcro carry case inserts and such. Probably not the best use.

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I managed to find a suitably sized metal flight case (secondhand) and put my 60x10 RACI finder in there along with my Telrad. I'll post a pic when I get home, but I managed to cut a suitable hole in the foam to hold it (in rings) securely. It does look like I did it with a blunt spoon, though!

Edited by Pixies
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I keep my 60mm finder wrapped in two or three layers of bubble wrap in a duffle bag's side pocket with my daughter's 127mm camping Mak in the main compartment.  The illuminated eyepiece is in a pick-n-pluck eyepiece case (actually a Plano four pistol case) with the rest of her camping eyepieces.  I say "my finder" because I wasn't using it and am loaning it out to her long term.  She just can't sell it or give it away.

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I have my 60mm Altair Astro RACI (same kind of design....) in a boot bag something like this:


Just about room to store my Rigel QuickFinder as well in it.  If need be you could add some padding etc but I don't bother as I don't need to travel with it.

Edited by Davesellars
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