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Annoying streets lights advice.


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Iv just moved into a new house recently (new build) and as they are progressing the build two street lights have been put up. Can I see how you deal with these (problems). Only consellation At least is  modern led street lights actually mainly 90% I would say point at the ground.  Should add Im an Imager. Don't really do visual astronomy. 


Edited by Astroblagger
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Hi, I work in this industry (construction, new builds) and depending on the local authority, they may have a dimming profile, also depending on the road if its a cul de sac or main spine road through the development. Your unlikely to get any changes to the approved illumination profile now as they are designed and finally approved by LA. Also, they will not be adopted by the LA until the roads on the entire development are finished and adopted so they may brush off any queries and point you back to the developer. Do the streetlamps in question light up your garden? Last year where I lived I had 3 sodium lamps on each side of my garden, the worst one to the south yet I still managed to image. All is not lost!

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I had the same concern when I was imaging in my front garden for the Orion nebula with no light pollution filter, pointing nearly right at two LED bright streetlights. In the end the final picture was one of the best I had done and you wouldn’t have known that it was almost shot in bright daylight. I did most of the setup of the scope without a headtorch it was that bad.

One reason I think I got away with it was using a dew shield. It has a nice secondary purpose of blocking stray light, so even if you can’t get the lights dimmed/removed then all is not lost. Otherwise, stick to imaging high above the horizon and narrowband if possible.

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