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Seeking help with EOS 1100d camera


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Good evening everyone

I am just getting into astrophotography and don't really know a lot, i'm using a 14" reflector on a Dobsonian mount with GOTO.

Recently i have purchased a cannon EOS 1100D SLR camera and a T-ring. The problem i am having is i cant get it to focus on anything, i have even tried random objects about the house. I didn't buy any lenses as i intend to use the T-ring to connect it straight to the telescope, from what i have seen online this kind of set up should work but i don't know how to make it work if it won't focus, could anyone help?

thanks joss

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No point in trying objects in the house....the target needs to be sensibly at infinity or the image will be formed too far back to get a focus.

Depending on which 14" scope you have, you may need to add or remove spacers in the focuser.

Dobsonians are not that useful for astrophotography because you will need a tracking mount. You will be able to get prime focus shots of the moon because the exposure time will be very short depending on the lunar phase. 

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with a light bucket like that you would be surprised at what DSO you could capture, several members with large reflectors on altaz tracking mounts here.


you'll need to work within the capabilities the mounts has and may find 20 seconds your restriction on exposure length

Edited by happy-kat
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  • 1 month later...

hi, sorry for taking so long to reply but i managed to solve the problem by messing with the camera and kinda forgot i had posted a question. i have attached an image i took during my first session, while it won't make the cover of national geographic i'm pretty pleased for a first attempt. I would like to boost magnification for things like the whirlpool galaxy but not sure whether to go for a T mount barlow or try A focal. For a focal i don't really know what i need to use a DSLR camera for it, most guides are for digital cameras. 


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