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Cant get these images to work with Linear Fit

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I've got 3 stacked Ha images that I want to turn into a mosaic.  I have stacked and Mure Denoised them and the next step I thought, would be to linear fit before turning into a mosaic.... When I try and run linear fit on them I get the results below, I choose the Horsehead frame as the ref, the drag linear fit on to the other 2 images.  The bottom images are the results of this once I then apply the same stretch as the Horsehead frame - any ideas?  And any ideas how to sort??? 



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17 hours ago, blinky said:

Cheers, Only just seen this as I forgot to follow the thread, I will have a go in PI later, but looks like you have made some progress with some help from @tooth_dr


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Yep, got it all sorted, really pleased with it, shame I will probably need to wait till next winter to get O3 and Sii but this is looking not too bad!  I managed to do it myself in Pixinsight and also added in 10s subs of  Orion nebula as well as a restack without the place which was messing up the flame/horsehead region a little.



Mosaic-Horsehead to Orion.jpg

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I am aware I completely overworked this version, but I find it quite amazing how much data this 32bit image contains and I tried to bring it to the fore. I hope you do not mind the play.

Wonderous structure and details - like a cosmic painting... 


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