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Upgrading Eyepieces for an 8inch Dobsonian...

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The Sky-Watcher 200p comes with 10mm and 25mm eyepieces. On a budget of around £250 what should I be looking at that is available somewhere?  After a few nights of reading forums, the Baader Hyperion Zoom Eyepiece 8-24mm has been shortlisted but that would be it, as far as budget went. I’m not keen on how much lower the FOV gets at the lower powers with this eyepiece though. I could add a second eye piece at a later date when I get the free cash to cover the lower power and make do for now.

On the other hand I’m considering a 5mm or 8mm along with a 12mm or 15mm BST Starguider then adding a third eyepiece of a yet unknown brand with lower power (24+) and a wide FOV lense with the remaining budget. 

My considerations are eye relief, while I don’t wear glasses and while not a deciding factor, some people who occasionally use the scope do wear glasses. 

Any advice would be great, even if it’s offering up suggestions that I haven’t put forward.

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My first upgrade was the BST Starguiders. I got the 25, 15, & 5mm. I found the 25 is just better than the stock EPs but the 60° fov makes a difference. The 5 gave me some nice views of Mars at last opposition, and I'd concur the 15 is very good, to a point where I'd barlow that one over using the Hyperion IV zoom at 8mm. 

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i have the same scope and was in the same position, i would strongly advise using the second hand market, as like most of us you will be constantly looking for upgrades. i went, bst, vixen slv, now baader morpheus and pentax. i do buy new now as what i get are keepers. worst thing i found was trying to buy and not being able to try. hope this helps. good luck and clear skies on your astro journey

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Another thumbs-up for the BST StarGuiders. I have the 25mm, 12mm and 5mm. Initially purchased for another smaller telescope. The 5mm gave great views of Jupiter & Saturn last year when conditions allowed. In fact on one very good night I used the 12mm plus cheap 3x barlow (Bresser, purchased for £28, again for another telescope) for 300x on Jupiter. I could actually see some of the swirls and details around the Great Red Spot. For high magnification this combination has surprised me. 

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The Altair 30mm Ultraflat is a bit above that budget (but right at it excluding VAT, which is how Americans would price compare).  Being the same optically as the 30mm APM UFF, it would make an excellent low power eyepiece.  It's basically a no compromise eyepiece with excellent eye relief.

I don't know if it or the APM is in stock in the UK or not.  There's also the newer Meade UHD and Celestron Ultima Edge versions which might be in stock.

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