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NGC 6946 The Fireworks Galaxy


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This is 46 x 2 mins taken with the dual Esprit 150/IMX571 OSC rig, calibrated and stacked in APP, processed in PI and AP. This was captured with an 85% illuminated moon high in the sky so I went for a target on the opposite side of the sky which was good, but it meant the target was only at about 30 degrees elevation, and sinking.  The scope/camera combination is imaging at 0.712 arcsecs/pixel, so I should bin the data at least 50%. The second image is the binned version, done at the linear stage then following the same processing workflow as the first. I prefer the unbinned version, but what do other folks think?

Thanks for looking


Binned version:



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I would agree that the first image is the nicer. However, unless the seeing was exceptional the larger pixel scale should not show much difference. This suggests the processing is the difference. (Not trying to be confrontational, just my thoughts).

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Well to be fair I haven’t processed them quantitatively the same, and I binned the data in Startools which only allows you to save the file in TIFF format. This is a big difference between the two workflows.

Can you bin RGB images in Pixinsight? 

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