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Pixinsight - GradientMergeMosaic artifact

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I think I've found the problem... Although the surrounding area looks black, it isn't. Replacing these pixels with Pixelmath and trimming the image being joined has eliminated the artifact. Also using Clonestamp to mask out any stars right on the "join" edges.

i.e.  iif($T<0.0009,0,$T)


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Thanks folks. I'll have a look at PhotometricMosaic.

I've still got a few holes to fill, if skies permit, but using StarAlignment / GMM did a reasonable job in the end - though I didn't spot the pinched stars until I reapplied the Auto-stretch on the 'finished' image. The unprocessed result currently looks like this:-



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Hi Ivor.. apologies...  GMM is still there (don't know what I was thinking last  night)  but there is a new script under Scripts ... Mosaic ..  Photometric Mosaic which is worth looking at..  superior results and no pinch artefacts


Edited by Laurin Dave
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Thanks for the heads up on PhotometricMergeMosaic. Because I didn't have the camera angle set correctly, after making the registered panels, I had quite a nightmare splitting them into strips so that PMM had a vertical (or horizontal) overlap it could work with. The results were a lot better than with GMM though & I've learned a lesson!

I managed to get some more subs on the 11th, but had to ditch most of them due to dew on the secondary mirror & naff flat calibration.

1st attempt at processing attached. Wish I'd managed to get more time on each panel. From Bortle 8 skies...



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