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Pointing a Dob to approximately the right bit of sky


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Having recently bought a nice 8 inch Dobsonian and a right angle finder (9x50), I've been enjoying the ever-so-brief clear spells and getting more familiar with the night sky. I'm happy with a manual mount and there's no shortage of reference material and tools to help navigate the night sky, but does anyone else find it a pain to get the scope pointing in approximately the right direction? With a RACI finder it's surprisingly awkward to get thing pointing in the right patch of sky, especially for stuff up at the zenith.


As I often find myselt looking along the side of the finder scope trying to work out if I'm even in the right ballpark before bothering to look through it, I wondered if it would help to make some kind of crude alignment sight like this, think it'll work?lego_sight.jpg.39c4ff63dba1d2059dabcdb82e321c13.jpg



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