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asi1600mm pro motherboard


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Hi team,

A while ago I managed to fry my asi1600mm pro due to over voltage.

I have bought a replacement motherboard and fan from ZWO.

Does anyone have any experience installing the motherboard into this camera ?

I am not an electronics expert and I'm just looking for some emotional support and advice :) 🤞👍

Thank you all in advance,



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Update !......

I bit the bullet and had a go....

It was a surprisingly simple job but a bit fiddley.

My only mistake was overtightening the fan holder screws which meant the fan couldn’t run.

A gentle loosening of the screws and a test run in Nina and all appears ticketyboo !

I’m quite chuffed having saved myself a lot of $$$





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Well done! Modern electronics is very small and fiddly.

To go back a few steps to an unpleasant memory. How did you fry the original?
There are lots of threads covering power supply and cable questions.
Wondering what bit you? Do you have any advice to help others avoid the experience?

Again, well done.


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  • 5 weeks later...
On 04/12/2021 at 20:29, Carbon Brush said:

Well done! Modern electronics is very small and fiddly.

To go back a few steps to an unpleasant memory. How did you fry the original?
There are lots of threads covering power supply and cable questions.
Wondering what bit you? Do you have any advice to help others avoid the experience?

Again, well done.


Apologies for the VERY late reply !

i was using a powered USB hub and I plugged the wrong power cable into it. 

It was quite spectacular, with lots of white smoke etc.

the upshot was that I toasted the tiny chip next to the USB plug in the camera. My electronics guy who took a look at said that he couldn’t guarantee that other parts of the circuit board downstream from this might be affected too, so I replaced the whole board. 

Its now working fine 👍👍

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On 04/12/2021 at 23:22, Clarkey said:

Useful to know that you can get spares for the ZWO kit. Did you you get it directly from ZWO or through a 3rd party?

Again, apologies for the late reply.

I bought them directly from ZWO who were timely, polite and very efficient.....and quite cheap 🤗

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Thanks for the update.

Although I have only limited information, I can make a couple of eduated(?) guesses.

It sounds like your powered hub did not have any protection circuit to prevent >5V getting on to the USB power out in the event of a high input voltage.
If this was the case it was a bit of penny saving by the hub manufacturer.
A golden rule in powered port design is you do NOT allow >5V output. You fit protection components to trip if this happens.
Power supplies and hubs are cheap compared to the connected equipment.
Connecting the wrong power source is all too easy when DC plugs are often the same size and power supplies are all black boxes with tiny labels.

Looking to ZWO. It is quite possible that the failed component is a transient overvoltage device that is connected to the port.
Is it a couple of millimetres square-ish with 6 or so leads?
They are intended to handle momentary voltage spikes, not sustained overvoltage.
In my work these, and some RF suppression components, are always fitted to USB ports.
It would be worth seeing if your electronics friend can identify the device from the new board, with a view to replacement if the PCB is not too badly cooked.
Tiny PCB traces (sometimes 0.1 or 0.2mm wide) don't take kindly to being reworked. Unless you have the tools and skills, don't go there.
But if a 50p component and a beer for your friend gets you a working motherboard.......

Thank you for sharing the experience.



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