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A few Lyra doubles - 22/11

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Had a decent session in Lyra tonight before the clouds rolled in. All observations with a Starfield 102mm f7 ED. Light pollution and the rising moon limited how faint I could go.

ε Lyr - it wouldn't be a Lyra session with out starting here. Nothing to report, it's the same as it always was :tongue2:
BLL 35 - a nice easy pair just below ε. A bright primary with much fainter secondary listed as 6.64 and 10.35, 60.8". I could see this at x22.
ζ Lyr - a wide bright pair easy at x22 and even visible in the finder.
Σ 2362 - a white pair, secondary slightly fainter. A comfortable split at x119
β 137 - a very faint, tight white pair - 1.5". Split nicely at x179. Another is listed as mag 12.0 and 23.6" but I couldn't pick it up in the 102mm.
β 648 - a tight uneven pair - 5.34 and 7.96, 1.3". Split surprisingly easily at x179. There are three other stars in this system but they are too faint for the 102mm in these conditions.
Sh 282 - a nice easy pair at x22. Primary looked orange with a white secondary. There are two other stars in this system a distance away but I didn't look for them.
Σ 2461 - A bright  yellowish primary and white secondary comfortably split at x179. There are four other stars in the system; two of which make a nice pair in the same field.
Σ 2397 - a white primary and slightly fainter bluish secondary. 3.9" but easy at x119
Σ 2469 - listed as 7.93 and 9.13, 1.3". Couldn't get a split on this one. Strange as it should have been no different to β 648.

That was it. It was so enjoyable I could have carried on all night. Alas cloud put a stop to that.

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You seem to be a very keen doubles man so perhaps you are already aware of "Lyra's Other Double Double", Struve 2470 and Struve 2474. Two degrees North of 17 Lyrae if my notes are correct. I haven't sought them out for a few years but remember being suitably impressed.

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