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M78 from Bortle 2


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I recently imaged M78 from my Star Ranch Obs which is at the low end of Bortle 2.   

200 x 2 minutes with an ASI-533MCP with a Baader UV-IR filter through a Sharpstar 150 mm F2.8 Hyper Newt.  Captured and processed with AstroArt 8. 

I am still working with the data and would like to see what people think of this version. 

I am just not quite ready to "stick a fork in it and call it done"  (^8



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Nice! I like the details you've captured. I think though that the right hand side is a bit blue. If you decrease the blue in this image, the red clouds will benefit and become more saturated.

Thanks for sharing.

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I agree with Wim, excellent details and dust but I would also bring down the curve for the blue channel a bit. If you have PI you could also see what SCNR-green does to it (or any other program that removes green). I feel there is a slight green tone in the dust here and there.

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Could not stop myself trying some adjustments using PS. Hope you do not mind. I adjusted the color curves a bit and also adjusted the magenta and red using Selective Color.

Cheers, Göran



M78-Cal-Sigma-crop-CB-Sat-Curves-11-mts CurvesSCNRgreen.jpg

Edited by gorann
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Thanks for the comments.   I had already reduced the blue in this earlier version but I see a few areas that have a green tint to them and I was concerned that the image was getting to much of an orange tint.     This earlier image looks more like Gorans version.    I will work some more


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Bortle 2 would be nice, lucky you. Great image of that region and good to see another Sharpstar/Hypergraph at work! I agree the less processed, more natural one is nicest and a great benefit of the light gathering ability to be able tp ick up the reds, pinks, purples etc. without specific filters. and keep star color intact.


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I am loving having "my own little dark corner of the universe"  (^8  I feel very lucky to have it.   The Bortle 2 sky and the fast Newt really allow getting deep into many objects.

This is the first stack of NGC1333 I took at the last new moon.  200 x 2 minutes.  This still has some issues I need to fix but it should turn out to be a nice image once I am done tweaking it.



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