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Mesu 200 & NINA meridian flips.


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I recently moved over to using NINA and have enjoyed plate solving and all the other good options it offers.  Ive been working my way up to meridian flips and had a look back on a couple of threads where other members were initially having issues .

I found a discussion on SGL and amended the values in Sitech and NINA to match and attempted a MF the other night,  I watched the countdown to the MF and saw the mount do its thing and continue with the process of centre target and find a new guide star..then for some reason the mount flipped the scope back to the original side of the pier, find and centred target and started the sequence again?

Ive attached the settings im using,  I suspect there are 2 instructions being sent to move the mount around the MF?  Is it possible the option use telescope side of pier should be switched off?  And could one of the instructions to MF be the GEM auto flip track in Sitech


Appreciate any ideas as to whats happening an d how to resolve, really enjoying using NINA and this is the only issue ive experienced.


Thanks Mark.





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43 minutes ago, Astroscot2 said:

Hello David, thanks for checking your settings, I think may have used the settings you mentioned on an earlier post, strange why they don't seen to work on my set up?.  I wonder if extending the meridian overlap will help

There are a couple of differences between my screen shot and yours - might be worth trying??


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I don't use NINA but can't see it being any different to SGPro for settings on the Sitech side.

See sreenshots of my Mesu Mk1 setting in Sitech have also included my SGPro settings.



Both NINA & SGPro use PHD2 for guiding, I only set Reverse Guide Mode when Looking East (Dec) in Sitech not in PHD2



Here's a link for the latest version of SiTech.exe if you want to try it.





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