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A Miniture GOTO Telescope


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  • 2 weeks later...

There are couple of conceptual flaws with the design.

1. Use of lens instead of small telescope

It apparently uses 300mm F/6.3 lens to cut down costs. Better choice (and cheaper) would be something like 50mm ED F/4.8 SW finder. It would have more aperture, more transmission because of lack of massive central obstruction and mirrors.

Furthermore, lens are optimized for both far and near. Simple design like that is bound to have spherical aberration for either far or near. My guess is that they optimized it for near since it is terrestrial lens. Astronomical telescopes are optimized for infinity.

If you look at moon image in that article - you'll see that it is blurry. My guess is that it is down to spherical of the lens.

2. Use of the camera with 1.55µm pixel size.

That is simply waaay over sampling for such a small aperture. Even if we take planetary / lucky type imaging with diffraction limited optics (which that lens is not) - it would take F/6 scope with such pixel size. That requires steady atmosphere and taking thousands of very short exposures.



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