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Out and about around Cassiopeia


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Tonight is the first clear night in a while without a troublesome moon so I thought I would try to spot some clusters around Cassiopeia. Despite Bortle 11 skies (okay, Bortle 8 actually), my scope of choice for the evening is my Zenithstar 66, kitted out with an RDF and a 50mm RACI finderscope. The finderscope is fitted with my new ES 98 degree 20 mm eyepiece, giving a 6.5 degree field of view. Gonna find that stuff! Eyepiece for the main scope is my Speers WALER 13.4 mm, giving 30x magnification and about 3 degrees field of view. On a garden table is Stellarium in red mode.

First up is Almach and I immediately hit a problem! The Speers WALER is so infernally long it blocks the RDF... I reluctantly changed to 6.7 mm eyepiece, giving 1.5 degrees FOV and 60x magnification. Almach is a pretty sight as always, but I remember it being more colorful. I hopped over to M31 and I got a surprisingly bright view of this monster. Just the slightest hints of wings either side of the core. I have never seen M33 but I tried again tonight - not a target for Bortle 8 but anyway. With the RDF added to my setup I was absolutely certain I was pointing in the right direction, and there was a patch of darkness with a different texture to the other darkness, confirmed by tapping the scope. I will put M33 down as a "probable". 

Working my way into Cas, I started at the bottom with the Double Cluster - all clusters should look like this! So radiant and eyepiece filling.  Moving on to Caldwell 10 and NGC 654, both new to me and they fitted into same eyepiece view, much dimmer than the Double Cluster but still satisfying. M103 is nearby but I forgot to look.  

A string of disappointments followed. Caldwell 13 should have been visible but no luck. NGC 129 is unmissible, being located midway between Caph and Navi and being relatively bright, but even after extensive searching I could not see it. Nearby NGC 225 was also hiding.

I consoled myself with a view of superb Achird and Polaris, although I could only spot Polaris' companion with averted vision.

Still, a successful evening as M33 (maybe) and Caldwell 10 and NGC 654 were all new to me. As was the neighbor's new security light!

Edited by Ags
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@Sunshine Owl Cluster (C13) was one of my misses. Not sure why as it is pretty easy to find and has some bright members. The night was difficult - even the W of Cassiopeia didn't stand out very well. I will have a go at these with more aperture. I should get the same FOV with my C6, a 6.3 reducer, and the 20mm 68° eyepiece, with a larger exit pupil of course (but 3mm should still be tolerable).

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