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Observing Session 21/10/21


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Observing report 21 October
The sky was fairly clear. The full Moon was hidden behind some trees and there were a few clouds blowing over. 

Seeing wasn’t great probably 4/5 and Transparency was being affected by the high cloud and Moon glow.

I had decided to have a look at some more doubles in Corona Borealis and Cygnus.

Crb Pairs

STF2044 A neat pair of orange stars. Easily split at x70. The pair show a small difference in magnitude.

STFA29AB A wide pair suitable for binos or small scopes. Fairly evenly matched strong orange colour. The ‘D’ component is a star roughly between them. very faint -grey.

STF2011 A close pair of uneven magnitude. The primary is white the secondary is pale blue. split at x70, best view at x150 shares field with orange star (TYC 2041-1219-1).

STF2004 A close pair tricky to split in the conditions. The primary is white the secondary blue-grey with a noticeable difference in magnitude.

STF1935 A pair of white stars with a moderate difference in magnitude.

I was planning to move onto Cygnus but had a quick stop at RS Oph and Jupiter.

RS Oph very faint now. Felt slightly strange looking at it through the OMC 250 instead of the ST80. I estimated it at Mag 10.4.

Jupiter was fairly good at x70 but seeing still wasn’t great so I moved on. 

Heading into Cygnus I thought I would stop off at the showpiece double Albireo.

Albireo. A gold and blue pair ideal for small scopes. Is it physical or optical, the latest research is optical but I have read what GAIA has reported.

STF2522 A close pair with a noticeable difference in magnitude the primary is yellow-white, the secondary is pale blue. Quite a rich-field.

STF2538 A visual triple, 'B’ comp is 13th mag. The A, C&D stars are similar in magnitude and white. Chain of stars to the South  East.

STF2539AC A close pair with  noticeable difference in magnitude. The primary is white, the secondary pale blue. 'B' comp not visible.

STF2610AB A close pair with a small difference in magnitude. Both stars appear white, w 'W' shaped asterism to the North East.

STF2639AB  A fairly close pair with a moderate difference in magnitude. The primary is white, secondary orange. A neat colour contrast. Rich-field



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