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Chip tilt test jig.


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43 minutes ago, AndyThilo said:

Looked on Amazon but they don't seem to sell them anymore, I'll have to do some googling. 1mW Red Class 1?

Yes ideally, I ordered 2 and when both came they were 5mw, and advertised as 1mw, but I did not dare try them, just returned and looked elsewhere on Amazon, but I can’t find my order to send you a link, it must have been on my sons account a year or 2 ago….

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3 hours ago, Stuart1971 said:

Yes ideally, I ordered 2 and when both came they were 5mw, and advertised as 1mw, but I did not dare try them, just returned and looked elsewhere on Amazon, but I can’t find my order to send you a link, it must have been on my sons account a year or 2 ago….

This be ok? - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/134095267492?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=SEYIxLOZTpG&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=Rc9u5-8wSV6&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

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19 minutes ago, AndyThilo said:

Yes, that’s exactly what I got, and if it’s a 1mw as advertised then all good, I have also used a laser taken from a laser collimator, that worked well too, and made for the job…👍🏻

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21 minutes ago, Stuart1971 said:

Hmmm, again that’s a 5mw laser…

But you would think that as it’s in an Astro related  item it should be ok….🤔🤔

Yeah that's my concern also. I've actually ordered a cat laser pen toy from amazon, should arrive today. Takes 2 x AAA but not sure how I can determine it's output power....



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Well I'm struggling with my jig. Cutting the hole with a hole saw leaves the surface ever so slightly uneven and means the camera wobbles. Not sure how to fix that and with it wobbling, it's impossible sort out the tilt. Any ideas? I've tried the camera on the surface before I cut it and it was completely flat.

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3 minutes ago, AndyThilo said:

Well I'm struggling with my jig. Cutting the hole with a hole saw leaves the surface ever so slightly uneven and means the camera wobbles. Not sure how to fix that and with it wobbling, it's impossible sort out the tilt. Any ideas? I've tried the camera on the surface before I cut it and it was completely flat.

Yes I had that issue and sanded it flat, then I 3D printed a holder for my imaging train, it does need to be flat, doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect parallel to the base, close is good enough,  but it’s needs to be flat, as you have found out the camera can wobble…

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