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First DSO with 1000D


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Well Folks

Here it is my first attempt at deep sky imaging with my new Canon 1000D. We had guests coming round for the evening so I had just 20 minutes to connect up the camera for the first time, focus it, take a few shots and pack up. I managed 5 shots of parts of the sky that weren't covered in cloud. The best one is of the Plieades.

(Single 30sec exposure, Jpeg format, ISO1600 taken through Orion 80ED.). I'm might impressed with this baby (the Canon 1000D). Straight out of the box it's 1000 x better than anything I ever managed to get out of my old Meade DSI. Up until mow I've been primarily a Lunar and Planetary imager, but this DSLR has me hooked in one shot! :(:blob7::D:blob7: I can't wait to start DS imaging.


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