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Milky Way and a Perseid

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This is both my first image of the Milky Way and of a meteor, taken 13th Aug 2021 at Bolderwood deer sanctuary in the New Forest. This is a stack of 84 frames (42 minutes) taken with Canon 2000d and Samyang 14mm f2.8 lens at ISO1600, 30s exposure per frame. Star Adventurer 2i pro used to track (polar alignment wasn't great as I couldn't see Polaris properly due to clouds early on in the evening). Stacked in Sequator and processed in Photoshop/Adobe Camera Raw. The meteor was added into the final image using masks and blend mode lighten. 

There were another 4 of 5 meteors that came within the FOV in the hour that I was imaging, but they weren't as bright as the one in the image and I couldn't distinguish them from all the satellites, so they didn't make the cut (I didn't want to risk mistaking a satellite for a meteor!) I did however make a version of the image with all of the brighter satellites added.



Same image with all of the brighter satellites blended in:



Hope you like


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Thanks Paul, I was over the moon with it!

Especially as I wasn't actually expecting much that night, seeing as when we set off there was a giant wall of cloud over the New Forest and I was expecting to just sit and drink hot chocolate while looking at the clouds, but it fortunately started to clear up about 11ish.

 It was also the first image with the Samyang too. 

Some of the stars aren't so great when you pixel peep, but it's probably because I only did a very rough polar alignment as I couldn't see Polaris due to clouds at the time, and also I didn't fine tune the focus, I just set it straight at infinity.

Considering all that, I am very happy with the image. We're going to Cornwall week after next for mini-moon so hopefully we get a clear sky and a chance for some for Milky Way images 😀



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