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choosing a Barlow lens

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i`m wanting to but a 2x Barlow of good quality but with a massive amount to choose from out there i`m getting bewildered as most companys say theirs are the best, can anyone recommend a good one for about £40 ish price tag, or a quality second hand one to look out for. i have heard that TAL are good for the money,

any advice please. (i have a Skywatcher 130p if that makes a differance)

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what does "ED" stand for on some barlows ?

ED refers to a type of glass that is used to make eyepieces and lenses. I think the achronym means Extra-low Dispersion. A lot of refractors use an ED glass element to improve colour correction as it bends (refracts) the different light colours more consistently.

To be honest I think many premium eyepieces (Tele Vue, Pentax etc) have been using ED glass for quite a while anyway.

With regard to barlow lenses, the Celestron Ultima / Orion Shorty Plus (they are the same thing) 2x barlows are excellent and can be picked up used for around £40 if you keep your eye out for one. Otherwise I agree that the TAL is the best budget barlow choice.


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I would give the "TAL" Barlows a try "Red Dwarf."

They are cheaper than the Celestron Ultima.

Tal 2x around the £30

Tal 3x around the £35

Celestron Ultima £80

I have a Celestron Ultima, and although it is a nice Barlow, I personallly found it not a lot better than the standard Barlows that come with the Skywatcher scopes. Perhaps it's the eyepieces I'm using it with?



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Another vote for the Tals here, too.

I have the x2 which is really very good.

I recently picked up a Meade 4000 series (I think!) x3 from the Sales section on this forum (very good price!). It got first light last night and it is really very good - as good as the Tal.

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