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One that got away.

alan potts

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Captured this last year and for what ever reason didn't bother processing it, which is not like me. Only 90mins on M33 but I feel it has come out half decent. Taken with the Borg 77ED II F4.3 and Zwo 071. Not over keen on this scope as it is such a devil to focus.


Feel free to offer criticism, there's plenty wrong I am sure.


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Hi Alan 

 Nice capture!

I too have many subs of many objects I have yet to process or finish,

I honestly find the capture process so satisfying, overcoming all the problems and getting everything working it sometimes feels like I’ve “done the job”

Then there is processing….

It Totally dependent on your knowledge of the software you have chosen to use or buythere are so many variables it can take days, weeks, months or even years before I get round to considering something finished! 

Thanks for sharing 


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15 hours ago, wimvb said:

Very nice. What software do you use?

in pixindight I would apply scnr green to reduce the green bias you seem to have.

I had a good look at it in PS and the values in the background sky are way down in the green channel single figures in most places, However I have dropped the green in the galaxy and could not see any difference, but the Aqua channel did change it a fair bit.


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5 hours ago, alan potts said:

I just use PS and DSS, the Borg always seems to have a green caste to it.


Hi Alan 

I used to use DSS and ps and then I tried astropixel processor

It was a game changer and not difficult to get your head around. 
I highly recommend it! 

I also have just started playing with Pixinsight but that’s a different kettle of fish and although I can see I will eventually love it I can see it’s going to require some effort on my behalf to ‘master’ the basics 



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4 hours ago, assouptro said:

Hi Alan 

I used to use DSS and ps and then I tried astropixel processor

It was a game changer and not difficult to get your head around. 
I highly recommend it! 

I also have just started playing with Pixinsight but that’s a different kettle of fish and although I can see I will eventually love it I can see it’s going to require some effort on my behalf to ‘master’ the basics 



I just know PS and am not really IT minded, even the most simple things fox me, I have had PS for years so just stick with it. I keep thinking about other software but I am also rather reluctant to use cards on the Net.


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Looking good.  I agree with wim about the green. But that’s normal.  Looks very natural.  For some reason I always  struggle a bit with wide field shots of M33.  Not sure why.  I did not enjoy it when I tried ( and mine was big compared to yours)

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10 hours ago, Rodd said:

Looking good.  I agree with wim about the green. But that’s normal.  Looks very natural.  For some reason I always  struggle a bit with wide field shots of M33.  Not sure why.  I did not enjoy it when I tried ( and mine was big compared to yours)

Not sure how I got green into it in the first place because after checking in many places there is hardly any green in the background sky but a fair bit in the galaxy, which I quite like as it happens. I did balance it up but didn't repost. I find that this Borg 77ED II trend to deliver somewhat green images  though even with PS if you know what you are doing you can remove or add just about anything. As a wide shot I was fairly pleased with this as it is not hours and hours (90mins I think). I am going to add to the 16 hours of data I have on my 800mm scope and then start to stack lower percentages on DSS, I am going to try to increase it to 25hours of data and see what it gives.


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6 hours ago, wimvb said:

I downloaded your image and played a bit with it in PixInsight.

Reduced the green bias in the galaxy and boosted colour saturation.AlanPottsM33.thumb.jpg.bea7c5440571e7f88c2c79e13b632b0b.jpg

Nice Wim, that is more in keeping with how the 800mm scope records the data and a little like how I got it when I balanced things up a bit, I didn't think this came out too bad considering the small amount of data, I thought it was about 90mins but it's a bit less, I guess the fast F4.3 helps the capture, devil to focus though.


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Worth noting that the Hubble team didn't find M33 to be very colourful.  Hasta La Vista Green is free/donation from Rogelio Bernal Andreo's website Deep Sky Colors and would be a good Ps addition for you, Alan.

A little word to say that Rogelio, who has contributed so much to the imaging community, recently lost his wife. I'm sure we all wish him well and recognise his efforts to be creative and helpful to others.


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