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Nice activity in Ha - 17th August

Mark at Beaufort

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3 hours ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

Just been observing with PST+DS and there are some nice Proms. One appears to be forming an arch. In addition a few filaments and plage around AR2857.


Nice someone else had a view Mark.  I came in at 2.30 having stolen some very brief clear bits between quickly scudding clouds.  My first attempt about an hour previously ended with me rushing in as rain pored down on me while I was actually observing.

As you say, a nice collection of proms - I was using the PST I have on loan.  I would be tempted to buy a double stack myself if one came up at a good price.  I won't though, because if the owner wanted the PST back I couldn't use it anyway  😁.


Edited by paulastro
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