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First deep sky session of the season NGC 7436 group and others


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The sky is getting darker and its clear. So good to get out the 20 inch scope again.

I have put some new alt and az mods in over the Summer. The Az is on a lazy susan bearing now braked with some teflon. The motion is still a bit too loose so I need more teflon and the base is not firm enough so a tap takes a few seconds to damp down but hey not too bad. The alt is on hardened aluminium strips running on sash window wheels. Still a bit stiff for me and I can tell when the wheels run over the retaining screws even though they are recessed but again better than it was just running on teflon. More tweaks needed. Joy..

Anyway I did manage to star hop to some new galaxies - NGC 5001,5250,5201,5256. I tried but could not see IC5104.

The highlight was the NGC 7436 group. This is a group which Owen has done a write up on the Webb Deep-Sky site  Webb Deep-Sky Society: Galaxy of the Month: NGC7436 (webbdeepsky.com)

It was a tough spot but after a long effort i did manage to see NGC 7435 and NGC 7436 both requiring averted vision. I also spotted the m14.3 star under NGC 7433 but none of the other galaxies in this image were visible to me. Looking at the image I am surprised I could not see NGC 7433. I will revisit!


I hope you all manage to get out soon and enjoy the darkening skies.


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I have now added two more Teflon brakes and three stabilisers to the az motion. Need it to be stiff enough not to rotate when changing eyepieces but easy enough to nudge.

1961 galaxies now seen. 39 to go to 2000. Need a special one for no 2000!


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